Sunday, May 27, 2007

Getting Aquainted

DELHI is most comfortable between October and February with daytime temperatures of around 71.5 degree F (22 degree C) and cool evenings. December Arid January are decidedly chilly with night time lows of 39 degree F (4 degree C). The city has a fleeting, but beautiful flowering splendourduring the spring months of February and March, when parks brim over with flowers. The summer months of May and June are scorchingly hot, with the mercury soaring to a high of 114 degree F (46 degree C). Delhi does not have much of a rainy season compared to the other parts of the country. The monsoon or what there is of it in the citylasts from July to September.

Area: 1,483 sq. km.
Sea Level Elevation: 225 m (741 ft.)
Languages: Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu, English
Population: 9,370,475. (Males: 5,120,733 Females: 4,249,742) Growth Rare (per cent) 1981-92: 50.64 Density (persons per 6,139 Urban population: 89.93%. Sex Ratio-females per 1000 males-830
Literacy: 76.09%. (Males: 82.63%. Females: 68.01%)
Per capita income: Rs. 5,315.00 (Highest amongst Indian cities)

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